
Holy Scripture: Revelation, Inspiration & Interpretation is unavailable, but you can change that!

In dialogue with Martin Luther, John Calvin, P. T. Forsyth, Karl Barth and Emil Brunner, Bloesch’s Holy Scripture examines the implications of biblical authority for the twenty–first century. It surveys the role of the Bible as seen within the Bible itself and as that role has unfolded through centuries of Christian tradition. It also explains and critiques many highly contested issues, such as...

The scholastic model holds the Bible to be the written revelation of God, a revelation ascertainable by human reason, though efficacious only for faith. There is said to be a virtual or actual identity between the Bible and revelation. The Bible becomes a book of revealed utterances or divine oracles. Faith assents to what reason can already know. The truth can be procured by a scientific or historical investigation of the Scriptures, but it can have no saving effect in one’s life apart from the
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